Saturday, October 11, 2008

Whew, what a day.

Today was a busy Saturday. We started with Celia's dance class. I asked Celia while we were getting ready which story she thought they might read and she said, "we'll have to wait and see." The story today was The Red Shoes. I have never heard of the book, so we might have to find it at the library or book store.
After dance, we changed the girls and went off to the pumpkin patch. There is a plantation that has a scarecrow festival with a pumpkin bounce house and other fun stuff. Well, we didn't make the festival part, it was just too wet (notice the puddles in the back). When we first got there and told Celia to pick a pumpkin, she pointed to Emme and said "I want that one." So cute!!
We had lots of fun. We took some really cute pictures.
Celia found a pumpkin just her size.

And another one that David can carve.
Our happy pumpkin.

After lunch was nap and then the UT/ou game. It was so neat to be able to watch UT play and it was an awesome game. Celia likes football, too. Emme got a bit scared when David and I started cheering at one of the touchdowns. No matter who won, it was a good game to watch and of course, it is even better that we did win.

Next, we got the girls dressed up in their Halloween costumes and got pictures made (pictures to come later). Celia is really photogenic and Emme is adorable, so it makes choosing really hard.
Celia did such a great job at the photographer's that we let her have a ride on the carousel at the mall.
And baby doggie got to ride, too.

It was a busy day and we spent a lot of time in the car driving between locations. But Celia made sure to serenade us the whole time (If you notice the background moving a lot, David was parking the car while I took the video).

p.s. I looked up the Red Shoes. It is originally a Han Christian Anderson one about a girl who instead of doing what she is suppose to with money from her grandmother, buys red shoes which make her dance constantly. I tell you this in case you look it up, because the HCA version says her feet get cut off, but I want to reassure you that the version the girls read today is an adaptation and not at all as scary.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting such beautiful pictures of the girls. How did Emme feel dressed like a pumpkin? I love Celia's version of Baa Baa Black Sheep. Can't wait to see them in person.