Tuesday, July 29, 2008


On Sunday, David performed his first baptism. He baptized Emme. It was wonderful. He did a great job and Emme looked around the whole time. One member told me afterwards that he was sure Emme made eye contact with every member.After church, Tutu, Emme, Celia and I returned home while David did another baptism at the 11 o'clock service.
Emme got a wonderful soft lamb toy from a church friend in celebration of her baptism. Celia suggested that she and Emme share. I keep saying that I need to video Celia saying that she and Emme should share for when Emme is old enough to play with Celia's toys. Celia has shown signs that she will still be a good big sister as they get older. When Emme cries, Celia doesn't get upset, she just says "its okay Emme, don't cry" and she has shared her Texas bear (a gift from her late grandpa) with Emme, so maybe that video won't be necessary.

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