Monday, June 23, 2008

New School

Celia and Emme started the new school today. It seemed to go well, but I am not calling it a success until the end of the week. When we went and dropped Celia off, she cried some, but the teacher was very sweet and held her, talked to her, and tried to distract her. You would think these are givens, but they didn't do it at the last place. The director has cameras in the room, so we were able to watch and see that Celia quickly settled down. When we picked her up, she said it was quieter and she liked it. She also knew her teacher's name, which she also didn't do at the last place. So far, so good.

1 comment:

Natalie's Mama said...

yay! Sounds like this school is better in so many ways. I have my fingers crossed for you!