Saturday, September 6, 2008

Emme at 5 mths (almost)

Emme wants to crawl so badly. It is going to be awhile since she doesn't even sit up by herself yet, but boy does she try.

She is showing preferences for certain toys and is reaching for them. This ball is one of her favorites.
Emme has little Micheline baby legs which leads to a diapering question--whether it is more comfortable for that last little fold to be inside the diaper or to try to pull it out of the way. Celia didn't have as much baby fat, so it wasn't a problem.
This is another picture taken by Celia. She is getting really good at using the camera. She even knows how to get my cell phone to take a picture without any help. David has put a locking code on his phone so that she can't "accidentally" call China, but she will probably figure it out eventually.


Unknown said...

love the pix.

Anonymous said...

Why haven't I looked at your blog more? This is soooo fun! I really love the "I think I can" video, and seeing Emme eat!

Hold tight on those baby clothes. We may take them even if we have two boys! (Face it: James and I are going to raise sissy nerds anyway). Luuv, K